
Psychedelic Pointer

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

تحميل أقوى برنامج لتعليم الرياضيات للصغار والكبار وجميع السنوات الدراسية Wageez 6

تحميل أقوى برنامج لتعليم الرياضيات للصغار والكبار وجميع السنوات الدراسية Wageez 6

تحميل أقوى برنامج لتعليم الرياضيات للصغار والكبار وجميع السنوات الدراسية Wageez 6

  This version: Arabic, English. It is characterized by ease of use, a high artistic touch, and a sophisticated educational style that develops thought and stimulates creativity. This version is infused with children's voices with every interaction with the program The program generates thousands of problems at the same level as the student and evaluates the student at each level It raises the student from the lowest level in each process to the highest level. It solves all the basic problems that the student needs in the primary stage It provides the family with an easy way to assess the level of their children in mathematics The Arabic Math Symbols font is automatically installed, which is our production and can be used within all Office programs to write the most complex mathematical formulas, including the Arabic symbols they contain. The program includes all the basic operations in mathematics in a progressive manner, such as Drawing-counting-number board-frog Arranging numbers 4 levels Combine 9 levels Subtraction 7 levels Multiplication 9 levels division 6 levels decimal fraction concept Addition and subtraction of decimals Multiplying decimals Divide decimals Rounding 14 levels Ordinary fractions order 4 levels Fracture naturalization 5 levels Raise the fracture 5 levels Addition and subtraction of regular fractions 9 levels Multiply and divide regular fractions 7 levels Area of ​​rectangle - square - triangle - compound shape of rectangles Perimeter of rectangle - square - triangle - compound shape of rectangles Cube volume - cuboid - lateral area - total area Intelligence games - number components - magic cube - number factors - and a lot more This version also contains many high-end and rare educational games Which includes exercises and tests in addition, subtraction, division and multiplication tables such as: 1- Who will win the million? 2- Star Wars. 3- The cat and the mouse. 4- UFOs. 5- Counter and currency. An interesting explanation style and a distinctive presentation with ease of use and diversity in performance. Words fail to describe the capabilities of the program, so we will leave the description for you to see for yourselves the facts and discover the capabilities of the program. Then you will know that it is more than a surprise, and it proves that our creativity does not stop at an end. 

تحميل أقوى برنامج لتعليم الرياضيات للصغار والكبار وجميع السنوات الدراسية Wageez 6


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